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The Association “Terra del Pinot nero” is born to collect, store and disseminate knowledge on the typical wine production traditions of Oltrepò Pavese; it aims to become a reference point as a centre for documentation and cultural promotion.

The association proposes to:
  • support the local territory and enhance the Pinot noir production, as well as its cultural and landscape heritage;
  • promote cultural tourism, pointing at the local landscape, artistic and gastronomy specificities;
  • raise public awareness about the aforementioned specificities, with the hope of establishing a communal sense of belonging and sharing;
  • foster social engagement between local communities and their cultural and landscape heritage;
  • foster collaborations with public and private actors, at different levels, working on the territory, in order to create opportunities for reciprocal development;
  • raise awareness amongst the economic and entrepreneurial sectors and the roles they could lay, collaboratively, in the promotion and preservation of Pinot noir, as an important resource for local development;
  • promote the wellbeing of local communities by sharing of their cultural identities.